Sunday, 20 March 2016

Closed Blog Notification.

Centre Name: Norbury Manor BEC
Centre Number: 14343
Candidate Name: Rubab Mirza
Candidate Number: 1132
Unit: G321

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Final Front Cover.

Final Contents Page.

Final DPS (Double Page Spread).

Evaluation Question 7.

Powered by emaze

This is an EMaze explaining the changes and progression I have made through the my work compared to my preliminary task.

Evaluation Question 6.


This is an Infographic template on Picktochart showing the different technologies I used throughout this task and what I have learnt from them.  

This is the link if the images fail to show.

Evaluation Question 5.

This is a YouTube video showing the different ways in which I attracted/addressed my target audience with conventions on my magazine.